This document ("Terms of Use") establishes the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Upside Company platform (“Platform” or “Site”). Use of this site is conditioned upon acceptance of these terms and associated policies. Users must read these terms and policies, ensure they understand them, agree to all conditions set forth in the Terms of Use, and commit to complying with them. By using the platform, the user expresses their free, explicit, and unequivocal agreement with the contents of these Terms of Use and will be legally bound by all the conditions stipulated herein.


The user is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the data provided in their registration and is responsible for updating their personal information and for the consequences of any omission or errors in the registered personal information. Login and password may only be used by the registered user, and the confidentiality of the password, which is personal and non-transferable, must be maintained. Under no circumstances can there be claims of misuse after the act of sharing. The commercial use of expressions used in applications such as brand, business name, or domain name of Upside Company, in addition to the contents of the platform, as well as the programs, databases, networks, and files that allow the user to access their account, are protected by copyright laws, trademarks, patents, designs, and industrial models. By accessing the site, users declare that they will respect all intellectual property rights and those resulting from the protection of trademarks, patents, and/or industrial designs, deposited or registered in, as well as all rights related to third parties that may be, or have been in some way, available on the platform. Simple access to the service does not grant users any right to use the names, titles, words, phrases, brands, patents, images, data, and information, among others, that are or have been available there. Under no circumstances will users acquire any rights over such content. The use of the platform's content for commercial, advertising, or any other purposes that contradict the purpose for which it was designed, as defined in this document, is prohibited under penalty of applicable sanctions under Law No. 9.610, dated February 19, 1998, which protects copyright laws in Brazil. Users assume all responsibility, civil and/or criminal, for the improper use of information, texts, graphics, brands, images, in short, all and any intellectual or industrial property rights of the service.


This specific policy is inherently part of these Terms of Use, highlighting that the personal data processed by this service will be handled in terms of the legislation in force. For more information, access our privacy policy available at any time on the Upside Company platform.


Upside Company reserves the right to modify these rules on the site at any time and without prior notice, especially to adapt them to the evolution of the services provided, whether by creating new provisions, eliminating, or modifying existing ones. Therefore, it is recommended to check this page periodically.


These terms of use are governed and fully compliant with the current Brazilian legislation, including, but not limited to, the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/2018).

To contact Upside Company, just write to [email protected].